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Hiring threaders and estheticians
Phone : (248)906-1140.
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We are Hiring Threaders and Estheticians for our stores located in

1) Fairfield Commons & Kenwood Towne Centre, OH
2) Laurel Park Place, Meridian Mall MI 
3) Fayette Mall, Jefferson Mall, & St. Mathews Mall. KY
4) Chesterfield Town Center, VA
5) Buckland Hills Mall, CT


1) Performance-Based Pay
2) Commission on Services
3) Tips & Commissions
4) Flexible Schedule
5) Relocation Expenses
6) Health and Aflac Benefits.

For more information, please email your resume with the contact number and the best
time to call or you can call / text/ WhatsApp (at) (248)906-1140.
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